it's just her Edenian Blue/revenant body suit slightly altered and recolored. nothing about that skin gives off "Catwoman".😕

and tbh MK11 Kitana is so average and plain, she just doesn't have what it takes to pull off Catwoman. that skin would've been better for Jade.

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Resulta que el retcon de Sindel en en el que la reina edeniana siempre fue maligna y traicionó al Rey Jerrod se debe a que considera que la imagen de bruja de Sindel no encaja con la personalidad de una mujer compasiva y buena que mostraban antes de este juego

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Yeah, this is how stupid you sound

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2 years ago I made this Kitana fan art! Gosh I was such a student in digital art back then😅

I'm currently working on my new artwork of Kitana in Edenian Blue outfit 💙 Or maybe should I use a different one?

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One of my favorite things about DAI is just making my OCs. This is Dredenia! She's a mage.

I do wish you could see her freckles though :/

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Just your everyday adventure of a cute half Edenian, half Tarkatan girl trying to take over out world with her elemental ninja, and last of a warrior race.

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Commissions for ariajou and edenian-princess as surprise gift for ☺️💙

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Jimmy Margulies
Editorial cartoonist for amNew York/Newsday
Syndicated by King Features

🔸 'All Our Years of Work... Up In Flames!,' 8 Aug 2018. Jimmy Margulies.

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Sorae as Edenia’s prince.

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The houses of the inhabitants of Edenia are so cute.

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We are the rulers of Edenia, We'll be protecting it with all our strength.

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when I was walking through the garden of Edenia I found this beautiful rose!

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