Man, this computer program is wack. It refuses to do anything before crashing. I knew that torrent was sus.

22 93

some ena-sona ideas / doodles

7 60

you ever just get so bored you design an Enasona

0 6

Did a couple different outfits for Splice, because even though the bikini thing is pretty funny I want her to wear actual clothes.

0 4

drew an based on the ena i made on joelg's site, with a few extra details for funsies

2 2

>meet danny
>shes my enasona
>its inspired in oingo boingo album only a lad cuz i love that band

3 5

AUGHDHH new enasona. They remind me of pink lemonade. (based off my little ena on the joel g website.)

0 1

Yo two new enasonas

Jena and ayna

Jena is ena’s middle sister

And ayna is ena’s cousin

0 4

(Answer from an anon's ask on Tumblr)
Now she'll get more of it
Just a bite without anyone noticing

0 14

this flopped so repost

1 4

say hi to my fucked up little guy . my twisted little man . my evil little enasona . i swear this is the one i'll settle on having i wont make 50 more enasonas i swear

6 29

Looks like she is shy and she is a simp

1 5

ENAsona redesign, I think the Berry has gained more personality.I finally have the strength to draw something!

0 2