Yuri: Potential +1 card a turn for free, similar to Set 4 Marth in that sense. If it's not a CP can at least know what card is coming up (helps avoid selfing). CP is a flip 1 to filter for another CP, most notably Byleth (M).

0 5

Edelgard: Base 70 on defense can save Edel MC hits on turn 2, but 10 support hurts longer term and the push/pull MC CP is more impactful still. CP is an option to buff low cost Brown decks (similar to her cost 2 as a deploy).

0 6


ありがとう✨ これからも全力でファイアーエムブレムを楽しみます。

52 163

Hice otro dibujo fe0 B)

no lo mencionen-

46 360

今号は、FE0(サイファ)PRカード【灼鎧の皇帝 エーデルガルト】が付録です! スキル『真紅の花道』を使用すると、次の相手のターン終了まで、戦闘力が30アップします。(Illust:長浜めぐみ)

83 85

Traigo a mi fe0, lo hice rápido y quedó feísimo porque eso pasa cuando me emociono mucho por un :(

Si quieren armar cositas o rol digan¿

5 27


2130 5519

Here are a few new decks using cards from set 20!
VCorrin (M), Ike 6/4, Micaiah, and Ashnard MC.
More can be found on on spreadsheet. Open to comments or questions.

0 14

Mike + Miguel ah

Perd0n ta fe0

5 35

Perd0n, está re fe0
Parece un alcohólico drogadicto ahh :'(

6 34


258 1033


2 2

Izuka: Creates a lot of field presence with high base beatsticks (90-70 for cost 3-2s). Could be an MC if he gets a cost 1 too.

1 7

Automaton: Solid early game drop, hinders low cost plays and can hit unpromoted MCs from the backline.

1 9

Yune: Buff your MC and reset the board. Good against decks that deploy a lot to try to gain advantage by maintaining field. White, Unify Yellow, Medallion (lol) to name a few.

3 18

Sakura: Cost 2 helps get promotion or exchange costs of a card (Ex: get cost 1s for Kaze's skill). Cost 3 is a filter healer for a unit on the field. Defensive buff saves hits/makes her a priority target to clear. White developing a low hand theme?

2 6

Forrest: Continues with his no-movement theme, now giving it to all DB users. More draw skills for Black, though needs a White bonds. Cost 1 self move skill, promotion with draw, interested in fashion...similar to a certain someone, hmmm...

1 11

Laura: Good value on growthing and drawing, though has to have a copy of the unit to grow to begin with. CC destruction skill increases flexibility too. Nice addition for Green MCs that need to growth.

1 7

Elise: Cost 2 is a filter option for early game to help consistency and also act as another unit to use DBs with. Cost 3 is card draw and filter, which Black has previously not really had much of, nice.

3 5

Shigure: Covers a bit of everything with enemy movement, an efficient draw (though limited to B/W decks), and 30 support. May enable Boundless plays if more of those come about. Would like to be played with a buffer (Ex: Kanas) to hit MC.

1 6