
ありがとう✨ これからも全力でファイアーエムブレムを楽しみます。

52 163

Hice otro dibujo fe0 B)

no lo mencionen-

46 360

今号は、FE0(サイファ)PRカード【灼鎧の皇帝 エーデルガルト】が付録です! スキル『真紅の花道』を使用すると、次の相手のターン終了まで、戦闘力が30アップします。(Illust:長浜めぐみ)

83 85

Traigo a mi fe0, lo hice rápido y quedó feísimo porque eso pasa cuando me emociono mucho por un :(

Si quieren armar cositas o rol digan¿

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Here are a few new decks using cards from set 20!
VCorrin (M), Ike 6/4, Micaiah, and Ashnard MC.
More can be found on on spreadsheet. Open to comments or questions.

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Perd0n, está re fe0
Parece un alcohólico drogadicto ahh :'(

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251 999

Automaton: Solid early game drop, hinders low cost plays and can hit unpromoted MCs from the backline.

1 9

Yune: Buff your MC and reset the board. Good against decks that deploy a lot to try to gain advantage by maintaining field. White, Unify Yellow, Medallion (lol) to name a few.

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Byleth (F): A fun MC to build with the amount of flexibility she has! Her deploy skill allows for some nice combinations with low costs and potential for free advantage with her class change skill.

1 21

Saw this floating around thanks to , so here's my list. I didn't have anyone else for colorless.

2 9

FE0第19弾「黒衣の魔剣騎 アレス」 | 靄太郎-Moyataro- https://t.co/Z38VTGgsKr

26 53

Seliph: A very flexible MC for yellow. A bit slow on start but his bond unflip/buff allows for interesting combinations and different styles of play. Oh and he has a ghost dad as support, who else can say that! 👻

2 16

【お仕事情報】本日発売のファイアーエムブレム019弾『覇天の聖焔』にて「ドミニク家の秀才 アネット」「花開く努力 アネット」を描かせて頂きました!FE0で女の子描かせてもらえるの初めてでドキドキしながら描きました。宜しくお願いします!#FEcipher

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Chrom: Blue's best tempo option now as splash and MC. His deploy skill allows him to pressure the opponent with high cost beaters that also buff Chrom, forcing them to be cleared before attacking Chrom in most cases. Tanky boy!

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Lachesis: A splash that is seeing more play with bond accel strategies, Purple in particular. Bond accel to lower your hand and then draw a card for free when you bond her! Good in top deck mode too.

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