My is based on my favourite movies when was a kid. These movies influenced my art and writing a lot throughout the years.

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-- as for films... these are definitely some formative ones. |

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choosing only 4 films is so difficult?? But let's go with these

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1) Grand Budapest Hotel 2) Princess Mononoke 3) Scott Pilgrim VS the World 4) Barry Lyndon

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Ok last cause I could keep going, Hayao Miyazaki edition

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four movies that defined me

Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron
The Lion King
Princess Mononoke
The Land Before Time


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Que difícil sólo elegir 4. Pero bueeeh creo que estas películas me definen 🤔 de alguna manera me identifico con los personajes C:

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this was rly hard guys (Tokyo Godfathers, Spirited Away, Cat Soup, Ponyo)

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If it was more than four, the list would've been long.

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I honestly don't know the difference between my favorite movies and my formative movies but these stood out: The Lion King, Some Like It Hot, Howl's Moving Castle, and 500 Days of Summer

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I love all Jurassic Parks but I always have room for a Great animated movie, and Oldie, and the only Good adaptation of Sherlock Holmes that I will watch!

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: 4 movies that define me! this was a hard choice

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I see some fun trends popping up!! so here is my this will probably be shocking to most of you.

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-aaaaand one for animation because I felt guilty. It was really hard to pick. (Is it bad to include a movie I worked on? And a screengrab with a character I drew?)

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