jaemin keep on teasing eunchae, so she take a breath and tried to go get the phone on his hands in one go.. when she lose her balance and fall into jaemin's arms👀💖 subin's reaction on the side seeing what happened.

subin missing gaeul ig...

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What’s after ‘LIKE’?

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miss my girl gaeul, can she pls comeback before the winter arc ends.😭

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subin's cameo for this episode as the convenience store cashier, a customer ordered a cigarette & he asked for its ID to verify his age, but it refuses and leave. when jaemin arrives he expect that eunchae will be there too. he misses gaeul so much just by hearing these two talk.

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Meet Gaeul, whose name means autumn and who's just as turbulent as autumn weather ✨my colleague and friend 's character 😊

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i forgot to post this but this was a new style i was testing

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