The 4 game I made with is done! You can play it at

52 104

The super short Amber Flower is up! With some last minute issues, but here goes nothing

8 26

Where's My Dog is out. is not finished, but i have something to show

5 19

Presenting... ZOM-BOY, my game!
Q) It's a WIP. Is it worth polishing?

58 144

Went to see how long I could make a with the spec, but PS will only 500 frames!

5 7

Someone! Help me think of a name for my entry! D:

7 6

New background just came in from Little Roisin :D

4 0

Trampoline mechanic and the boxes stay at the same place when the player goes to another map

0 2

Lots of stuff going on! Hopefully 3 days is enough to finish the game at this point :D

38 90

Announcing me and dr.slouch's project for gbjam, Voyage du petit Nuage!

12 33

this is actually starting to look like it might happen

2 10

today i got the main mechanic working. i'll set a goal to finish content tomorrow.

4 5

Baby Cthulhus become invincible when I crank firerate up to something bullet-hell

16 20