Me desperately holding on to this week's episode and trying not to think about next week's upcoming cull.

11 73

"I want to fight for Winterfell Lady Sansa... if you'll have me"

1 18

choose your fighter
north • south
jon + sansa x jon + daenerys
jonsa • jonerys

2 8

Every breath you take, every move you make, I’ll be watchin you.

0 0

Roasting marshmallows with Drogon’s help! I’m still extremely bitter about what happened to Viserion in season 7 so have some cute dragon family moments

0 2

And how ‘bout that Hound?

0 13

Might have bought some of those Game of Thrones Oreos.

8 29

R.I.P. ネッド・アンバー

11 106