Love animals. Don't eat them. [Art by ] ❤️🐷🐑🐤🦆🦌🐇🐮❤️

62 178

Pigeons are so beautiful
The first bird I ever rescued was a I was 6 years old Iv loved them since that day

76 320

Tis the season for our holiday sale! Benny is being pretty cute and happy to let you guys know the Christmas items and BBB items are now 50% (or more!) off at Dont miss the chance!

0 1

İklim krizi için, insan sağlığı için, hayvan hakları için, ruh sağlığın için lütfen 🌱❤️🌱

0 9

In a world pretending they are baby cows, be a baby almond.

48 246

May our hearts overcome our appetites...

114 415

So the money over morals guys have decided to drop their
"Finger licking good" slogan 🤔

Is that due to the ADDED health risks during this animal abuse virus or cos you're admitting that the only "good" in your bucket is the 11 herbs & spices?


20 28

Dismembering, splitting, boiling. Don't eat lobsters or crabs.

18 23

Özgürlük her canlının en temel hakkı. 🎈
Kafesler kırılsın...

2 37

Children's Book - "I'm not your Mum, this is not your milk" | Order online at

49 156

🐳 Please reconsider buying fish to not support the fishing industry. More info:🐳

2 8

Brigid Brophy 'nin 1965 "Hayvan Hakları" makalesinden:
“İnsanlar “Duygusal olmamalıyız” dediğinde gaddarca bir eylemde bulunmak üzere olduklarından emin olabilirsiniz. “gerçekçi olmalıyız” diye eklerlerse bu da gaddarlıklarından para kazanacakları anlamına gelir.”

3 13


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