These images were created in AI and photoshop, with many hours spent to refine each goddess and accurately depict my vision.

Act One:

Scene 1: Gaia, Mother Earth
Scene 2: Antheia, Goddess of the Garden
Scene 3: Persephone, Queen of the Underworld


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"Lunch with Kimiko" (Glasses Version)

I love that even when the player, Gaia, is giving out half-a$$'ed miracles, like curing total Blindness with 20/100 Vision, instead of 20/20 Vision, Kimiko is STILL head over heels for her!

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"Kimiko Embraces Gaia" (Finished)

Even if the player did a poor job on the QTE, and she will need Glasses, Curing Kimiko's Blindness maxes out her Affection Level towards Gaia, the player.

Ergo, Kimiko loves you no matter how much you suck at QTEs.

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"Lunch with Kimiko"

One of thing consistent across all timelines is that Kimiko absolutely adores Gaia, the player character.

Hilariously, Gaia cured Kimiko's Blindness to get her go away.

...However, that was an automatic "S+ Rank" Affection!

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a portrait of CHAOS, The nothingness that all else sprung from. A god who filled the gap between Heaven and Earth and created the first beings Gaia, Tartarus, Uranus, Nyx and Erebus

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[Cino would blush profusely as he shows her a photo while shyly looking away. Gaia, kill him now...]

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2. The Caller. He's a Sonic who absorbed Dark Gaia, and he calls people with addresses and orders to commit mass murder there, giving them them enough power to do it and threatening what they love (for Overalls, himself; no one knows he's Sonic, so it works) to... motivate them.

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Maybe The Caller? He's a Sonic who absorbed Dark Gaia, and he calls people with addresses and orders to commit mass murder there, giving them them enough power to do it and threatening what they love (in 1 case, himself; no one knows he's Sonic, so it works) to... motivate them.

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Howdy howdy, I'm Falgaia, a pixelartist who cut their teeth doing Pokémon Sprites for competitive servers. Nowadays I'm working to create my own stories, and am looking to start streaming in the near future.

Grats on the 900!

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"Kalila" (Base Color)

In the War Goddess Timeline, Gaia will seize Saudi Arabia for her oil, turning 99.999% of the country's population to stone and leaving them on California's beach.

Kalila scolds Gaia, as she's about to start drilling in Mecca.

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The Toa Mata using the stone to enter Mangaia,

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Here's a few:
Morrigan, my ghostly gamer girl and livestreamer.
Syn, a failed experiment girl/wannabe scientist.
Mina, my moth girl and seamstress.
Gaia, a 30ft tall alien girl from an exceptionally dry, desert planet.

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Ah yes, the Will of Gaia, cool cool ✳

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Thanks for the opportunity, hope you feel better soon!

I'm Falgaia, an OC pixelartist currently working on drafting an original story before diving back into solo dev'ing to bring it to life. I trend towards darker backgrounds and high saturation.

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Dinosaurs and creatures i'd love to see in Jurassic
Yutyrannus, Miragaia, Barinasuchus, and Microraptor

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Hello! I'm Falgaia, a pixel artist with a background in architectural design and a lot of Pokemon sprites. Currently interested in networking, feel free to reach out if my work interests you.


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Sooo yea, a little bit of context, while I was in camp, I've been watching "A LOT" of Ultraman, particularly Gaia, sooo, I drew Olivia cosplaying as Gaia in my free time😂

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"Gaia Gets Sick" (Finished)

Gaia, the Earth Goddess, is partially empathic.
In the presence of truly evil people,
she becomes violently ill and incapacitated...sometimes for days!

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"Suzy" (Finished) (Age 7)

The sole survivor of Flight 175, Suzy was rescued, along with four other people from South Tower, by Gaia, the Earth Goddess, seconds before the plane collided with the World Trade Center.

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