Gaudiy(ガウディ)とBALCOLONY.がクリエイターのための新会社「C4C Labs」を設立


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Had to go to a formal junction last session in-game, and Joyce didn't have a nice suit, so he had to bum one off his court leader
Surprisingly enough, he was /not/ the gaudiest person there

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's June Hot Off the Press features GAUDI– ARCHITECT OF IMAGINATION by Susan B. Katz

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shes at her most powerful in her gaudiest only vaguely coordinated outfit

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After discovering Gaudi's's:

Argos' Home 🏡

This magnificent (Hobbit-like) house is perfect for Argos and it's main activity...

Can you guess what it is? 😉

Best propositions gets an RT from us 🤩

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shri raga ri ragini gavadi
Gaudi Ragini, more likely a variant of Todi Ragini
nayika Ascetic-Yogini playing veena
two male & two female deer watch
nimbate yogini who was perhaps once a princess?
Painting from thikana in Rajasthan or Central India. Bundelkhand lot801

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THE BARCELONIAN a L'ILLA DIAGONAL Ja podeu visitar l'Exposició col·lectiva THE BARCELONIAN a l'atri de L'Illa Diagonal i gaudir d'un passeig il·lustrat per Barcelona. Les obres estaran a la venda.


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Before getting hauled of Shelly and Gaudi Gecko window shop for...cake.
Thank you BSheep94 for this amazing commission.
Gaudi is one of my ocs


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A Pokemon who can release pulses that reduce hostility and secondary sensors can put those who come into contact with them into a deep sleep.

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Both could easily fit Gaudi’s El Drac in Park Guell.However look what Paul pointed out⬇️.Therefore I believe the most likely answer to khu’s 2nd Regional form image is Quagsire(maybe the whole line but right now I believe it’s Quagsire,as regular wooper could evolve into this)

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💫🌹Feliç Sant Jordi🌹💫
He pogut fer aquest dibuix d’aquí per desitjar-vos un bon sant jordi✨
Espero que gaudiu molt d’aquest dia🥺
I ara marxo a treballar, envieu molts ánims per la vostra llibretera de confiança🥰

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Demà és Sant Jordi!
Gaudiu del Dia del Llibre i d'un descompte especial del 10% als còmics i llibres!
Excepte en material ofertat!
El nostre horari a la llibreria serà de 10:00 a 20:00 ininterrompudament!
I a la nostra parada a la Plaça Major de 9:00 a 21:00!
Vos esperam!

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Stained Glass Window, Spring. Place of origin: Paris. Date: 1894. Designes/Makers: Eugène Grasset and Felix Gaudin. Medium: Glass, lead. Collection: Musée des Arts Décoratifs.

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🐲 Relats 🎭 tallers 🗣️poesia 🎷 música 📚 llibres 🌹 roses s'escampa per tots els districtes amb un munt d'activitats i propostes que ja pots començar a gaudir!

Fil d'activitats d'avui!🧵👇

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📍 El et convida a gaudir del cicle ‘Petites Grans Heroïnes’!

🎦 'Dúnia i altres contes del món' és el títol de la sessió que projectarà 4 curtmetratges protagonitzats per 👧 nenes inquietes i valentes.

📅 Dissabtes del 23/04 al 14/05


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Ja podeu gaudir d'un nou conte al meu web. Aquesta vegada amb els flamencs de protagonistes. En alguna cosa s'ha de notar que he anat a viure al delta!

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Ouverture aujourd’hui de l’exposition : un parcours retraçant le processus créatif de l’architecte catalan, de l’atelier à la Sagrada Familia. A découvrir jusqu’au 17 juillet

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