ive been v busy lately but i managed to finish this just for
Day 1- Confessions

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Giomis Week, Day 1: Lucky Boy
The other posts I saw were so sweet, and this is so dumb, I'm sorry (tw blood, i guess?)

Also, join me on my quest to find consistency ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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day 1- lucky boy
Wonder who is suppose to be the lucky one here jejeje

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day 1 : lucky boy !!
mista hates 4, so i can't imagine him finding a 4 leaf clover very lucky. but maybe they have their own form of luck 🧡

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for nudity

🔫🍓🐞nsfw prompt: body worship

Thinking about a couple of years after phf, Fugo is still anxious about his body being far from conventionally pretty, but Mista and Gio never get tired of telling him otherwise

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Giomis week day 7 - Alternate universe

Commissions open!

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🐞🔫 Day 5: Resting/Vacation

I automatically did this in paint when I saw that picture. They return home after visit Disneyland.

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I know, today I painted very weird. I’m really sorry. Just got myself a new IPad Pro , never use Apple Pen before and tried to use Procreate. (Previous works I did them in CSP with my old Wacom Bamboo)

9 30

Day 2 Domestic ✨✨✨

Switching between channels late at night just cuz they don't wanna let go of each other.

2nd pic shows all the silver glitter paint I used. ♥️♥️♥️

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Day 2 - Marriage

it can’t get more cliche than that

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"I don't need a fancy wedding. I just need ...you, by my side."
"Sign the contract, seal it with a kiss."

......I need to caption like this, don't know why. *blushing*😝

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Day 2: Marriage ✨💍

Было интересно порисовать под акварель. :>

/ / / / / /

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✨🔫🐞GIOMIS WEEK: Day 1 [High Fashion]🐞🔫✨

If you follow me for long enough you’d know I have That One Phase where I’d draw 20 of these kjkskdlwkdlw idek if it’s considered High Fashion or not but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Day 1: High Fashion

Inspired by Heaven Gaia ss20 collection. Probably the only finished piece I’ll post ugh😔 I’ll do sketches for the rest of this week!

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