Pitbull and bear ref by @/Nala_Elephant
Bear and house cat art by nita darkwood on tg
And mlp earth pony and kirin
Fursuit photo @/Goldeneyeuro
Maker is on amino

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In Age Of Dreams 1st Dragon War is fought by elves & Silvanos Goldeneye vs evil dragons. The elves won using magical stones lost after the war. Kender, minotaus, & dwarves settle but the dwarves disturb the magical stones and unleash the evil dragons again. 1/2

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It's up to you if you don't believe it, but I think that Goldeneye 007 and Garfield: Caught in the Act share the same universe

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J'ai beaucoup hésité avec Super Mario 64, mais en fin de compte, je choisis Goldeneye.

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Empecé haciendo esto porque estaba explicando cosas para una clase en blanco y negro y hace rato solo le agregué color y así quedó. 🐱

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GoldenEye (1995)

🎨 Featured Pop Culture Artists - 1. Sean Longmore ( ) 2. Tomasz Majewski ( Tomasz Majewski ) 3. Mike Mahle ( )

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I forget not everyone so strongly associates KI with Tusk's legacy of running an advice column on Rare's website where he'd make fun of readers' Goldeneye skills and receive repeat letters urging him to come get his sickly old pet cat.

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thanks for watching GoldenEye with me, I haven't seen it in 15 or so odd years and the image of Bond in a Tank had me laughing for minutes on end.

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【『007 ゴールデンアイ』24】

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Here's my every now-and-then reminder that you can play GoldenEye, Perfect Dark and all their mods on PC:

- Unlocked resolution✅🖥️
- Increased FOV✅🎥
- Native m&kb input✅🖱️⌨️
- Support for all controllers✅🎮
- Local split-screen support✅🪟
- Constant 60FPS✅6⃣0⃣🎞️

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10 pour mieux me connaître ma couille.

- Super Mario (en général)
- Sonic (en général aussi)
- Fortnite
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
- Call of Duty
- Assassin's Creed
- Legacy of Kain (Toute la saga)
- Mario Kart
- Goldeneye 64
- FIFA ou PES (Selon le jeu est bien ou pas) https://t.co/i8Z0GB4gWe

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It looks like GoldenEye 007 could be getting a new Xbox port. https://t.co/efYdGMoy3i

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GoldenEye 007 appears to finally be on its way to modern consoles.

Leaked Xbox achievements were found including images and descriptions.


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Super vidéo, comme d'hab', qui donne envie de se replonger dans cette période des jeux James Bond (Goldeneye & Nightfire, que de bons souvenirs).

Mais surtout, l'agréable surprise de voir mentionné et plébiscité Geist, mon petit coup de cœur caché sur GC, solo comme multi 🙏 https://t.co/UwrGVPer0H

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I LOVE The Wheel of Time, and started some fanart of Lord Goldeneyes YEARS ago. This is a WIP that I’ll likely never finish, but with the success of the new adaptation on Amazon (and yes, it’s awesome) I might as well put it out there.

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GoldenEye 007 no longer “banned” in Germany following Nintendo request https://t.co/kB6wMi8c5Q

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GoldenEye 007 Pause Screen.

The Pause Screen here has 007 looking at his watch, it serves as a weapon and gadget select screen and also as an options menu.

GoldenEye 007 (1997).

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I should probably get hold of this one, dust off the XBox and give it a go. 🤔 I mean, I can't play GoldenEye forever..
Or can I?

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