Why does the GOP support Putin and oppose Ukraine?

Are they acting on Trump's instructions or has Putin got dirt on all the anti-Ukraine Republicans and pundits?

Ukrainians are fighting for their lives and need all the support they can get.

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I love how just keeps working away and accomplishing one thing after another for the American people, while the GOP runs around plotting chaos and flinging shit.
He's proof that you can't keep a good man down. His credo truly is "Git er done!"

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How Trump Spread Incitement of Violence Throughout the GOP https://t.co/rvIUKTQ2QZ

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GOP: “now literally the opposite of hands-off government!”

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Goth Traffic Cop
Gop...? Coth...? Who knows

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Haven't you learned anything yet, libtard? (sarcasm!)
When they do it it's free speech.
When we do it it's hate speech.
Did you miss your GOP talking points today?

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Not much pushback from the Sun. Morning hosts about the disingenuous GOP saying Biden's speech was divisive. Almost 2 yrs in, some GOP still say the Big Lie, say F Brandon, call us libtards but have the nerve to say Biden's speech was divisive. GMAB

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How many kids DIED in GOP Private Prisons from COVID?
How many were RAPED & ABUSED?
GOP LOST RECORDS for 534 kids AFTER you ripped them from families!
You caged them, billed taxpayers $700 a NIGHT for their “care” while GEO, Core Civic & other GOP donor made HUGE $$$.

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GOP continues its strategy of not holding Trump accountable, saying will be worse than letting do what he wants.

Any parent knows that’s a bad strategy

Follow for more cartoons!

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“…democracy. Yet Democrats have still not found a convincing way to call out and rally against this xenophobic radical religious movement, even though the answer is staring them in the face: This is yet another example of the GOP’s dangerous embrace of extremism.”

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Biden likens the MAGA wing of the GOP to fascism. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

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GOP ant their agit-propagandists: “Settle with traitors, and fast!!”
We’ve got your back.

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I say fold the tent and divide the GOP
into Liars and Traitors parties respectively.

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