titled: Parvati & Shiv ji share intoxicating Dhatura fruit?
it can't be true?
Parvati must have looked in amazement?

Pahari Painting, Guler, circa 1780's
property from Lanier collection

36 11

Info PO dan barang yang bisa dipesan silahkan cek thread di sini :

🌼 INFO GO Genshin Impact
🌼 INFO PO Reguler Genshin Impact


🌼 INFO REQUEST Belanja di Taobao

0 2

Hunter. Dingo. Matrix. Yama. Fang.

Hard to believe these Bad Guys are the best chance we have.

Time to fight fire with fire.

Art by Greg Guler, colors by

1 3

From the blood shed from his wounds sprang thousands of fresh combatants, representing the destructive masculine principle. To annihilate this archetypal power, Kālī again and again drank the rakta-bīja ('seed-blood').
—Ajit Mookerjee

Kālī Conquers Rakta-bīja
Guler https://t.co/7KDEqeQh3m

1 4

Dont miss this stickers set(including 3 holographic and 2 reguler stickers) Available only on PATREON!!! Join tier 3 (tier also includes 4 miniprints and digipack) and this alL ONLY 21$😱 seems like good deal😊 join here👉🏻 https://t.co/rKrjB7xEVV

8 54

Hi guys!
Inilah hasil karya dari teman – teman yang berlatih bersama di Kelas Manga Reguler Online! Proud with their effort and results!:)#manga

0 1

llevo unos días bastante reguleros y últimamente he estado haciendo esto para relajarme un poquito ❤️ la verdad es que snk me ayuda a desconectar por unos momentos de la vida real, así que quise redibujar este frame mezclando mi estilo y el de SNK. Hoy sale nuevo capítulo <3

17 40

The cover of the sixth issue of the SLG comic. Art by Greg Guler, colors by Stephanie Lostimolo.

4 13

Llevo unos días reguleros de salud y de ánimos.

Así que éste voy a ser yo cuando mejore. Bueno, sin el pelo rojo. Y sin gafas. Bueno, y con barba. Y...

Bueno, se entiende, ¿no?

1 4

another version of above painting
Raja Balwant Singh
by Nainsukh, Jasorta, Guler

12 2

A shocking cover for the fifth issue of the SLG series. Drawn by Greg Guler, colored by Stephanie Lostimolo.

I remember a very condescending clerk at Golden Apple Comics refusing to take this out of the "children's" section.

0 4

Ash, Breeze (más o menos), Yrsa (también regulera) y Kyra

0 2

[[ 4 ]] Si bien el encuentro con la leyenda de turno nos dejo un par de momentos muy buenos, en lo que a suspenso se refiere, en el resto de apartados la cosa estuvo bastante regulera… :/

0 2

SixTONES 4th single - Boku ga Boku Janai Mitai da release 2021.02.17

First Edition A. | First Edition B
Reguler Edition | Special Case for Reg Ed

79 158

The cover for the second issue of the SLG comic continuation. Pencils and inks by Greg Guler; colors by Stephanie Lostimolo.

0 7

voy a hacer un mini hilo de mis mejores artworks de este año 🤓

ha sido un 2020 bastante regulero aunque tuve momentos buenos, así que aquí van

29 89

Bersiap, Detective Conan Concert 2020-2021 akan hadir di 3 kota!

Pre-order tiket dibuka Rabu 23 Desember 2020 - 1 Januari 2021 dan penjualan tiket reguler dimulai pada Februari 2021.

Info selengkapnya:

11 20

Hmm, Interesting. Green & White on one side and, Tri-colour on the other! Reminds me of India & Pakistan!
c1760 AD painting now at 'A Raja with 2 Children & 3 Ladies'.

20 99

Open PO
[Single] MooNs ~ non stop fallin' love!~
Rilis : 6 Januari 2021
Price :
Limited 364.000
Reguler 298.000
DP 50%
Limited Bonus : Bromide, Clearfile, Poster, & Badge (random)
Reguler Bonus : Bromide & Poster
Note : Selama masih Open PO / Ready stock msh bisa di pesan

0 0

painting attr to artist of now at
On the banks of River Tawi, Raja Balwant Singh of Hunts a Lion. A Hawk in the distance witnesses the chaotic scene

33 79