Still HODLING these bad boys right hur!
.249 & .079 respectively. Picked up the dark crown a lil after.

0 0

STP 19 - Fleetwoof Mac

Hur dur, furry band name parodies... I cringed too.

4 10

ben-hur luca my beloved

40 98

Me, experiencing all symptoms after getting my 2nd COVID vaccine shot...

* Images fom "The Live" webcomic, art by SEONGMOO HUR, story by HEUKAHIN

0 8

Y'ever hear the one about "Iceman reaching his potential"? THIS time he does so when pitted against, "dur-hur, Dragon in a Diaper"!
Also, The Hellfire Club chooses the next Public Face of Krakoa on the Global Stage
X-Lapsed, Episode 299 - Marauders

8 13





11 35

Hunt ❄️
Hur hur hur, mer kismas

OCs belongs to:
Cass (mine pfft)

43 407

är taggad på att släppa ut mitt nya serieprojekt i offentligheten! slice of life-skämtserier om tre transkillar i ett kollektiv och deras vardagsliv. vill att serien ska ge folk en break från hur fientliga skildringar av transpersoner varit de senaste åren! hoppas ni gillart <3

1 18

HUR is a pop idol from They are from a survival show named DD52, and it's consists of 6 members of Team Hurricane♠️. Also, sounds like "her" which means Their style is unique but amazing. Just do not miss this⚡!

5 14

HUR Cindy fanart ①

0 8

Hur hurrrn, teef 😬

79 470

I have the perfect piece for this! Or... purr-fect. Hur hur hur.

Hi, I’m Sara Vecchi and I make art! 🦄 thanks for the art share, !

want to share? (If you haven’t yet. I didn’t go through everything!)

5 23

The Q/Geese hybrid isn't real and it can't hur.....


0 4


0 6