That's one way to end a disagreement, huh!
Major and Hyd usually get along but this huge beast can't help but throw his weight about and show who's in charge ;)

A comic commission for the ever wonderful !

163 714

The Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria visit Hyderabad (Deccan), January 1893. In 1914, He was killed by Serbian at Sarajevo, Austria Declare war on Serbia and which mark the beginning of " First World War ".
Here he can seen with Nizam of Hyd
( Photograph :: Lala Deen Dayal )

9 49

📚Beth yw hoff stori CAMOF eich plentyn hyd yn hyn? 💤

1 0

You should probably wait until Hyd finishes explaining what they do before you drink!!
Well at least they both enjoyed the outcome :D

A commission for th ever wonderful !!

129 580

Immensely adorable commission I got from the super sweet, ! Looks like Hyd found his favorite dragon dad! Unika, however, seems to have found lunch...

4 29

Another absolutely wonderful sequence commission I got from the very lovely, ! This sort of thing usually happens whenever Clifford invites Hyd to go swimming💦

5 53

Yn y sesiwn hyfforddiant yma cewch wybod sut mae dod o hyd i draethodau ymchwil doethuriaeth:

Learn how to discover doctoral theses by attending this training session:

0 0

Adnodd y Mis: Rhagfyr: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts

Mae'r gronfa ddata hon yn cynnig adnoddau A&I wedi'u curadu'n er mwyn dod o hyd i ymchwil ysgolheigaidd berthnasol a llenyddiaeth dechnegol i wyddonwyr sy'n ymchwilio i adnoddau dyfrol.

0 0

Hyd with his hair unstyled 🤔

0 2

Rock’s Backpages: Treial hyd at 02/11/19

Yn cynnwys dros 40,000 o erthyglau, mae llyfrgell Rock’s Backpages yn cronni gwaith dros 720 o awduron ar draws pob genre cerddoriaeth boblogaidd, o rockabilly i hip hop, R&B, gwlad ac electronica (EDM).

0 2

Mynediad treialu i JoVE Core: Biology hyd 31/12/19

Mae JoVE Core: Biology, sydd wedi ei drefnu yn Unedau a Phenodau, yn cynnig cannoedd o fideos wedi eu hanimeiddio am gysyniadau sylfaenol, gan gefnogi dysg wyddonol ar bob lefel.

0 2

Wonderful past commission from , thanks again! Hyd is showing Mooly how well he can multitask~

48 198

Past commission from . An ending to the prior sequence. Hyd does his best to stimulate while exiting💦

42 279

Past sequence commission from . Hyd goes great with beer🍺

35 221

リドット【hyd_ranjia39 】さんと

0 2

参考ログ 04 キャラクター
Danrell Allekova
Age: "as old as a tree would"
Species: Fallkenlloyd kihen
Job: traveler, Fallkenlloyd Leader
Current residence: Allekova, Fall-ken-Hyd
Hobby: "all sorts of things"
Likes: free dinner
Dislikes: overpriced goods

0 0

Adopt I got from korysos on FA.
Named him Hydnellum (or Hyd for short), thanks to

2 7

Nawab Mehdi Nawaz Jung :: Born in 1894, Dar- ul -Shifa. He was the first commisioner of MCH. He was the founder of . When Rabindranath Tagore visit Hyd in 1933, He stayed at as his guest. is named after him. He died in 1967

6 7