// helluva boss episode 7 spoilers
Sobbing crying throwing up

0 11

So Blitz didn't have his white marks as a kid nor as a teen but has it with Verosika. Assuming that white marks are scars/past injuries, something violent must have happened between Blitz & Fizz and Blitz fell back on Verosika for comfort (which didn't work)

22 234

I watched Helluva boss episode 7 and when I say I had a rollar coaster of emotions it means I can't stop crying and getting angry at the same time

4 13

How can you not notice that he loves you, Blitzo! You stupid donkey! (Affectionate)

1 16

// Helluva Boss spoiler (??)
o empregado do Stolas n poderia estar em um lugar melhor

6 47

¿Por qué tachó su cara en todas las fotos de la casa?🤔

Respuesta: es como una manera de decir que tiene una baja autoestima o que se odia a si mismo😭💔😟

1 29

// Helluva Boss spoiler
nesse perfil é proibido🚫🚫 falar mal desses 2

23 109

I love Bliz, really love him.
He's such a humane and complex character that it almost hurts.
He clearly has feelings for Stolas but he also has so low self-esteem that he auto-sabotages himself.
He deserves love and good things💔

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//Helluva Boss

Them: Romance is dead
Also them:

2 11

Mientras tanto en el instagram de Stolas

Stolas: ¡Listo para mi cita con BLITZY! ESTOY TAN EMOCIONADO !!! 🥂❤️❤️

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Fizz has truly captivated the essence of an angry toddler

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// !! SPOILERS !!


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