another neopet draw that made me laugh (my candy hissi named Gormy lol)

50 377

Fan-art of Coily Rattler from Triple Deluxe as a hissing emote for a Discord, the shading on here was super fun to make.

2 21

Here's Honkers (the goosey response to Beepers).

Likes: hissing at dogs and children
Dislikes: dogs and children

I hope its snek enough to make the Snektember cut :)

4 13

Io: che bello, ho consegnato questo lavoro lunghissimo che mi ha tolto anima e vita, ora dormo almeno una settimana prima toccare di nuovo la tavoletta grafica.
Sempre io, dieci minuti dopo la consegna:

0 9

Ciao, Vale! Allora facciamo 2 personal art e 2 commissions (se no sarebbero state 4 commissioni di Cara in a row). Grazie 😭🙏❤️

Ed è comunque una richiesta a tradimento perché del personal art la lista è lunghissima perché amo il tuo lavoro e la tua arte. BLESS!!!?

1 9

Sono Online da pochissimo le foto scattate dai nostri Bazarini all'ultimo ALEcomics e voi ci siete stati? nel caso taggatevi e ditecelo nei commenti ^^

0 0

HEWWO my hissies... Tonight is me finishing Metal Gear Rising Revengeance... Are you excited? For me to LET 'ER RIP!?

I am. Let's get saucy Jack to finish up.

2 38

Kinda quick and messy ref. Perhaps a hissing expression? As in upset or mad.

0 2

We're watching "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" tonight in my Hissing Depths Discord at 10pm EST. The lovely made these pieces to playfully tease <3 Love you both.

62 628

We hit 5000 followers on twitch btw!!
Thank you all so much~
Progress is slow but steady and that's how I like it :3
See you all tomorrow, hissies~!

6 70

Scilla è atroce
e sino un Dio non mirerebbe in lei senza ribrezzo
dodici ha i piedi anteriori tutti
sei lunghissimi colli e su ciascuno spaventosa una testa
e nelle bocche di spessi denti un triplicato giro
e la morte più amara in ogni dente.

9 21

Okay, possible options:
1. Hissi
2. Xweetok
3. Zafara

0 0

Walk down memory lane, resurrecting joyous, retro visions with VHS tape style effect! The outlines of an image with wavy monitor hissing come in 3 styles, captured in horizontal, square and vertical formats.

1 4

' brush off the front
a silk gown on the hissing
the thirst that from the '


2 2

🎶 I wanna scratch and claw all niiight 🎶

So I started making this hissin’ kitten on the night of May 22 for “World Goth Day” on May 23, but didn’t finish it in time, & it came out more like something inspired by the band KISS than anything proper Goth culture anyway. 😅

1 1

💀💀💀 hissing at G&DM💀💀💀 I don't need the "ahah Captain America pun" okay?

1 9

Commission for !

Had a blast with thissin', thanks for your support!

1 1

When the option to unconvert pets does eventually come back to the site, my mutant hissi will definitely be getting a UC makeover. 👀

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