Yo pensaba que Hulka era la novia de Hulk.
Pero estaba viendo She Hulk y me doy cuenta que...


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This weekend's pollpic contenders are Kogasa Tatara from Touhou, Sutr from Arknights, Sena from Xenoblade chronicles, and Marvel's She Hulk.
Vote in the poll below on who gets the fanart

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bio: GLK & H a.k.a. Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway
A New York law firm specializing in superhuman law. Their most well-known lawyer was formerly Jennifer Walters AKA the She-Hulk.

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Dearly beloved, we are here today to remember Bender, taken from us in the prime of life when he was crushed by a runaway semi driven by the Incredible Hulk.

Aw! You knew my favourite cause of death.

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This is the suit I think of when someone mentions She-Hulk. Back in her early Avengers days.

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During the Hulk training... I'm looking forward to the sea hulk.

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And for those that didn't read the 90s comics, Professor Hulk did regain Banner's intelligence, but not at the cost of his balls. If anything, Smart Hulk was more dangerous than Savage Hulk. He understood that lasers are faster than thrown objects.

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It's honestly a tie between the Green Scar, Joe Fixit and Devil Hulk. Love them the most.

I do have a soft spot for Savage Hulk. And I really like the design of Titan. Not to mention The Breaker of Worlds/9th Cosmos Hulk.

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But I've been thinking, HOW are they going to do Hulkling? He isn't a Hulk at all. The only REASON he was called Hulkling was that he resembled one. I don't see the regular audience liking someone named "Hulkling" who isn't connected to the actual Hulk. And then it hit me... 7/🧵

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Lol at comic book Twitter having a preconceived notion that Daredevil is always "dark."

Sure, he has never joked once or quipped once before ever am I right?

Ultimately this is fine. Keep darkness regulated to Matt's show only. I don't think it meshes with She-Hulk. https://t.co/yiLWxZSnLU

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Well, it looks like in proves that without the power of Mjolnir and all its infinite abilities, Thor cannot defeat the Hulk. Big, bad Thunder God and All-Father ain't nothing without his hammer that pulls infinite abilities out of its ass.

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And even when she isn't as bulky in the comics, she still has much more muscle definition and actually looks like a Hulk. Plus there are a lot of times in the comics when Jen IS big and bulky.

So to conclude, there is no excuse for her to be this "toned down" in the show. (3/3)

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Antes del MCU, el top 5 de heroínas más populares de Marvel eran Susan Storm, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm y Hoy en día ese top ya no es tan evidente y dependiendo de a quién le preguntes, veras los nombres de Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow y hasta Gwen Stacy.

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It's funny realizing how Rex and Noah have a lot of fundamental similarities, to the point where Noah takes 4 or 5 arts from Rex and only one from Shulk. It creates an interesting compare and contrast with them, and probably indicates Rex created the protag mold going forward.

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Un nouvel épisode de la série ‘Les Légendes des studios Marvel’ consacré au Dr. Bruce Banner alias Hulk arrive le 10 août sur Disney+, en vue du lancement de https://t.co/YodFtkZzju

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