WIP! Sketched while watching the concert stream :) Im sorry I couldn’t make it to the concert, I live in a diff country and I have school. But all of us are unbelievably proud of you!!! (Sorry for the messy letter, its hand written and rushed)

3 16

had this sitting unfnished for a bit and decided to clean it up in celebration for ‘s concert tonight!

i’m super excited :’) been watching lily since i was in middle school so i’m 💕

43 312

so honored for my art to be used by miss lily 🥹🫶

31 569

lmao time to go back to my cave

22 656

lily holding a bouquet of lilies in a garden of lilies 💐

27 605

it's !! hoping to meet u soon next conquest 🥹

5 227

been wanting to draw lily again for a while, she looked so pretty in her yukata

10 73

I've been meaning to post this here :) it's !! <33

31 1760

"Who would you face in a Creator Clash?"


(During the event panel of 2022 )

<--- --->

40 472