red moon rising or smth, Imogen my dear you're in trouble aintcha

but yea!! I did this! Me! Myself! And I'm very very proud of it. I might clean it up a bit more but this is fine for now. Enjoy!

141 893

she’s a horse girl and likes pretty rocks? she’s just like me fr

105 1016

Am I the only one I know?
Waging my wars behind my face
And above my throat
--Migraine by Twenty One Pilots

42 269

I've been dying to draw Imogen with short hair since she went bald. I love how it looks on her~

54 434

"I'm so glad I found you."
"Me too. I don't know what I would do without you."
"I don't know what I'd do without you."

108 626

Yee (and I cannot stress this enough) haw✨

My Imogen cosplay is done, which means I have now cosplayed Three (3) of Laura’s Critical Role PCs 🤠

(do I have a type? mayhaps)


6 25

Thinking about how launda is mostly red with some purple and Imogen is mostly purple with some red in these,,,,, imodna stans how we feeling?

17 142

What's the ring for, Imogen? (Repost after accidental delete)

34 193

You're just like my favorite song going 'round and 'round my head🥀

93 516

Been traveling for work and haven’t had time to stay up on but I’m desperately missing these two 🖤💜

25 115

Forgive me Laura for I have sinned 🙏
she is beauty, she is grace, she will lightning bolt your face⚡️

5 14

Been a while since I made Critrole fanart other than chibis 🔮

2 10