Reupload. Hasil collab dengan mbak ruru

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Both pic are the same couple (kind of?) The right one is also webtoon spoiler 💓😔

Send me hate threads i fucking dare you

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Kelas 6 VS Kelas 10 😃✊

Aku bangga pada diriku. Btw art kls 6 aib beut anjirr. Nyesal ga ngedigi sejak dini😔

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Just wanna share my art journey progress when i was a kid up until now :)

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umm.... yall should know that drawing is not an instant process.. we practice for years to achieve the style we want and this is not nggambar doang cuy hhh

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Dari kecil suka banget gambar anime ama manga style, tapi karena tinggal d kota kecil trus orang tua gak suka aku gambar anime, akhirnya cita2nya gak kesampaian smpe skrg

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Done~ Client's OC based on Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, Wakamatsu Hirotaka ^~^

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art hasil req di ig baru jadi 3 yang 1 masi di lining
ref : pict 1 / @/ zaluwawa at ig
pict 2 durin arknight
pict 3 yukina bandori

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Seriusin gambar nanti sekitar 2017, setelah vakum 2 tahun gamau gegambaran lagi. Berasa tertinggal jauh skrg, tp tetep nyoba hal hal baru buat nambah ilmu heuehueeh

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Kalo kek gini bisa disebut artist juga gak sih

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Terra and Ender said:

Artists put so much time and effort on their artwork, its not that hard to respect.

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Ini gambar belum selesai juga udah aku kerjain berminggu-minggu woii 😭😭#respectindonesianartists

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Semangat artist indonesia!✨
Btw ini art lama :'D

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Gambar SD vs Gambar Sekarang

Yang kiri pas kelas 6 SD bikinnya, fanart buat komik Shougakusei no Himitsu (?)
Yang kanan buatnya bulan lalu, untuk komis

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Ikutan join

Tujuan tagar ini jelas, yaitu mengajak banyak orang lebih mensupport lagi karya² artist/seniman Indonesia.

It's clear, yet everyone still confused. I know some viral problems they talk about, but now it's time to make people aware of this!

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