Connected with a couple of days ago and realised we are both massive fans of invincible so it was only fair to turn him into mark grayson

14 92

This is what im ready for this last épisode of i m so excited 😝😝😝😝😝 this is ly

18 115

Good morning Twitter fam! I’ve got some cool shoots this week!

8 165

I was curious about a young pre-scar cecil and created an abomination sorry

1 6

Episode 7 was Awesome. Here is what I did for ep. 7
Spoilers without context

112 1038

En unos 50 min conversaremos sobre el Episodio 7 de en .
Con , y el gran () Acérquense, porque estuvo *chef kiss*


2 8

Invincible is such an amazing show. I definitely got to read the comic.

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