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1. Wajib follow akun IG, Twitter, FB Bumilangit dan Ipanema Indonesia
2. Tulis jawaban kamu di kolom komen postingan kuis Instagram Bumilangit.
3.Gunakan hashtag #ipanemaindonesia #Bumilangitxipanema #KuisBumilangit, #HadiahBumilangit
Sketch: Happy Birthday to the father of Bossa Nova, Antonio Carlos Jobim!
#antoniocarlosjobim #keithhenrybrown🎨 #watercolorportrait #thegirlfromipanema #wave #triste #joaogilberto #astrudgilberto
カラコンマニアにはわりと有名な世界一リアルな瞳を再現していると言われるブラジル発のカラコン、ソロティカ お高いのでずっと躊躇しており遂に買ってみたのだが、確かにリアルだけど発色しすぎて軽くホラーだった コスプレ向きだよ…コスプレしないけど…(Solotica Hidrocor Rio Ipanema)
Spazio Espositivo Livin'art Via della Cervia,19 Lucca
La Seduzione del Mare di Angelica Pedroso
"Ipanema" https://t.co/sjwAHIT3Gs
"La Seduzione del Mare acconta la storia di donne che quando si incontrano nel mare si lasciano trascinare dalla magia dell'universo"
#arte #brasile
A little cooldown sketch I made before bed.
I call this one "The Boy From Ipanema"
Chuffed to pieces with a craftperson’s swap over on Instagram 🙂
I sent Karina (@designsbykarina IG only) a framed ‘Girl from Ipanema ‘
And she send me my colourised portrait
She’s taken 30 years off me and I love it 😊
New artwork for sale! - "The Girl From Ipanema" - https://t.co/TWEl3BUQoN @fineartamerica
Romantic Livin'art https://t.co/O4EzVY0ccf / Valentine's Day 2018
Ipanema by Angelica Pedroso https://t.co/VzdcnzPFr7
43x62 cm, acrylic on paper
Buying with Livin'art is easy and safe!
..."Tall, tan, young, #lovely
The #girl from #Ipanema goes #walking
And when she passes, I #smile but she doesn't see,
#she never sees #me"... ...🌞... doumdoummmblinkdoumdoummm #bossanova #brazil #music #drawing #illustration #colorpencils
Creative work from @magnusrappart Ipanema evening, watercolour 2018, Rio de Janeiro. My first painting thi...| #wildpleinart
<Jazz for Two> Episode 7 Girl From Ipanema
If you want to know about what SEHEON was listening to_
↓↓↓Please refer to this link↓↓↓
Girl From Ipanema - Oscar Peterson Trio
재즈처럼 7화 <Girl From Ipanema>
(Girl From Ipanema - Oscar Peterson Trio)
IPANEMA https://t.co/sn03yIrbCX serie THE SEDUCTION OF THE SEA
by Angelica Pedroso cm 43x62 acylic on paper
#sea #brazil #brzilianartist
https://t.co/CsleKEx67m ポルトガル語ちょっとあるやつ The Girl From Ipanema(イパネマの娘)/Coco d'Or #saitendam #採点カラオケDAMアプリ