best pals ♡ メンバー紹介 ①

トップバッターは Mr.デスペ joker🃏気さくで明るいから初対面の人ともすぐ仲良くなれちゃう(´ω`) ♪
相談も乗ってくれて 周回やextraも一緒にチャレンジしてくれる🍀おにーやん的存在です✨ 

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2 0 1 7 J O K E R

Though not quite an "official" Joker, it only seemed right to include Jerome from Gotham 🤡

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2 0 1 4 J O K E R

Real fun doing this one, based on the Batman: Endgame comics ✍🏼 Only 5 more to go!

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1 9 9 2 J O K E R

I loved doing this one - brought back memories of watching the classic Batman Animated Series as a kid 💚

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Made a Joker🃏Artwork
What I wondered most about the guy called Arthur in the joker movie was how a common man with a dream of becoming a comedian could be found with such a condition of uncontrollable laughter & crying. 🤔

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