Just a Jackie's sketch. My fav to draw when feeling down.

32 189

(Small Blood Warning!)
Day 11 : Beast

37 145

“Werewolf Jackie werewolf Jackie werewolf—“ *pounds the table with excitement even though it’s nowhere near Halloween yet*

28 118

Evening sky🌅

I am trying to get used to the new design of him, tbh I’m still not sure if I should go with it ;w;

70 256

I still have no idea of the lore or where I should start, but I love these two.

12 80

He’s not going down without a fight!

I did dtiys of Jackieboyman! It was challenging (since im not used to drawing full body) but i had a lot fun :D

24 73

wElp I didn’t know it was his birthday yesterday- So take this fanart from 2020! while i decide on making new fanart or not

0 1

tw // blood

Imma late but

Happy Birthday JBM!!!😋

20 99

From a long fight, he’s finally home to celebrate his birthday🎉

61 290

Hey! It's been a while, but here's a drawing I did for 's DTIYS! Lighting and effects are not my strong suits, but I hope I did it justice lol. ^^;

12 49

This might not be much but Jackieboyman wearing this? Kinda wanted to draw him with a cool jersey and cargo pants but I think you'd draw it better

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