“Regardless of who my parents are,” Shen Zechuan turned his head to the side and whispered into his ear, “I am Shen Zechuan. Whether your word is the truth or a lie is of no significance to me at all. I am my own nightmare.” 🔥

1 21

Day 1
In the confines of Zhao Zui temple, I think his mentor and shifu became his family.

105 358

The most beautiful man in Dazhou…and Xiao Chiye’s wife ♪#将进酒

41 104

"Больше не будет больно....Я обещаю...Ланьчжоу, больше никогда не будет больно."

С первой полноценной картинкой в новом году, получается

101 400

First snowfall~ but not anymore. ahahahahahaha~

138 568

day 5: brushing hair

lanzhou lazuli + tiny antarc chiye 😩 definitely very self-indulgent ndjdjdkd

50 115

Anggilang ciuman (info ril, sangat amat trusted nan terpercaya tanpa kebohongan, no hoax, info yang sangat sangat full dengan kebenaran, tanpa mengada ngada)

Ps: bukan editan

Gilang jinjit, gadeng kalopun jinjit juga ga nyampe,,, dia digendong

11 323

Day 4
Arrange marriage gone wrong.
Third missy will have none of that shit~

105 368


60 136

day 1: grasslands, skies & seas (pretend mountains n sea have smth in common pls)

87 208

May the new year come with many blessings.
Happy New Year everybody! 🎉
🎨: @/njinji3308

7 59