judge eyes spoilers
trying something new with today's prompt :D

day 2: confession/secret

23 49

something simple to start off

day 1: black/white

26 45

Saori Shirosaki. i love how the art turned out, Saori is looking really cute! I LOVE YOU MY WAIFU SAORI!!!!!!!!

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PS5/Xbox Series X|S『JUDGE EYES:死神の遺言 Remastered』2021年4月23日(金)に発売決定


0 1

Morning Sugiura to bless your day☕️✨

12 34

miss saori ..! i couldnt help but fall for her ok.

5 5

i think the new animal crossing dlc characters look cool

64 114

where the hamura stans at!? this guy is trash but like.... premium trash 🗑️💕

42 96

[ター海, ジャッジアイズ]
chapter 10 ;_;...

6 4

4月1日よりPlayStation™Storeにて「SPRING SALE」が開催中です🛒

『新サクラ大戦』『龍が如く』シリーズ『JUDGE EYES:死神の遺言』など、セガの様々なタイトルがお買い得価格でお求めいただけます🐲



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