From soup to sweet Tommen burbled about the exploits of his kittens, whilst feeding them morsels of pike off his own royal plate. “The bad cat was outside my window last night,” he informed Kevan at one point, “but Ser Pounce hissed at him and he ran off across the roofs.”

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There's something soothing about Kevan Hom's use of watercolors and blue-ish hues, plus it's so rare to see depictions of kaijus in non-combat situations. I instantly loved his illustration of Mothra on top of a lighthouse. You can find him on instagram.

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warm-up doodle that got out of hand... my favorite goalkeeper ever 💪🏻⚡️

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Classic Toad Brakevan & yes the face on it looks really bad but I haven't really model faces in a month or so I'm trying my best to get back in the hang of things.

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Classic Series Toad Brakevan (I hope) BTW If you all want let me know what content you would like to see.

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7 Plank Wagon finished with also some faces That I decided to keep for the van and truck. Next on my list is (Tanker, Fish van, Cattle Truck, Brakevan, Mail Van, Etc..)

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Best ship so precious,,, Kevan, my friends WTNV oc and my oc Watson

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Happy Birthday, Kevan Atteberry! (February 24) He is the illustrator of TICKLE MONSTER and HALLOWEEN HUSTLE. He also wrote and illustrated GHOST CAT, PUDDLES!, BUNNIES!, and more!

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Can you imagine, putting a no longer rekevant ship from a 1970's show over any actually interesting ship from OK KO? Here's my top three:

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Sleeping Quetzalcoatlus.
Kevan Hom Art on tumblr

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So i got 4 new truck faces and i put them on my brakevan

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