Many manga scenes were compromised to end part 1 epically

My fav is this
the manga started with boruto saying " this is my story"
Now part 1 ended with

& saying "this is my story"

It's Nostalgic 😍😍😍

= 💛
= 💙

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Without Daemon this would be for sure Code's death 😂

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This part was done a lot better in the anime. In ch 67 Code could've just brought kawaki with him to eida but he didn't. He just ran off like an idiot. That didn't make sense in the manga but the anime fixed it by Shikamaru actually doing something.

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Tried to finish before the last episode aired but here

Original art/sketch by 🐐

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ALGS Year3 Pro League Split 2がついに始まる!!

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yeah not saying his kawaki is bad but it's still very different
and animators often struggle to draw him correctly lol

also yeah i get what u mean 💀

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Let me ask y’all, will Kawaki have what I call the “dharmagan” (until it’s official) in both eyes?! I have reason to believe yes. The reasons why goes back to Isshiki in full glory has the double dots on his jacket that Kawaki has in his hand! Let me know down below!

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this picture is too cute. himawari tying kawakis tie, boruto winking at his parents, naruto flirting with hinata like omg best family 🥰

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Boruto vs Kawaki 🍥

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Que opinan ? Estare mas activo por aca en Twitter despues de mucho tiempo. Si hay alguien por aqui con vida, despues de tanto tiempo, comente algo!!!

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