This idea's been sitting in my brain for a while now, and while it's not quite what I had in mind, it was great anatomy practice. :D -

Red Paladin

50 120

I'll leave this here and then disappear for the next few months 😏👊

128 551

My process to draw this illustration
First time don’t need to worry about drawing heads with unusual perspective
And if I finished the study of all components of the body I would be able to draw random pose without difficulties
Looking forward to that

0 4

360 Keith and Shiro

My recent Heads in Different Angle Study

LOL drawing them make this study with more funs and I will continue to do that

14 40

I should wait longer until I post stuff 😂 I’m just so damn impatient. Here’s another version of Shiro licking into Keith’s mouth.

31 111

In relation to my earlier tweet.. hehehe. Keith’s being sassy. (And also he’s leading, ‘cause he’s the more experienced climber)

117 297

I have to stop now, the more I look at it the weirder it looks. Help. So it’s not finished yet.

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