Kiritsugu, we need to talk...

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But that is not to say Kiritsugu is bad.

The father is as based as the son, in the end

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necesito mas temporada de emiya-san, me relajaban mucho sus capitulos y ver a emiya y kiritsugu sonriendo juntos me emociono mucho

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Holy SHIT they put Fate Zero Emiya Kiritsugu in the Remake???

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The truth is we were all robbed regardless. Bottom left Kiritsugu forever best one

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Son situaciones incomparables.
Aunque quieras hacer la comparación, Kiritsugu, shirou, saber, maya, incluso Illya e irisviel, elijen su camino y afrontan las consecuencias de ello.
Sakura no, sakura no elije ser vendida y usada como experimento humano, es una niña, una victima.

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Kiritsugu no pago ninguno de sus pecados y murió contento gracias a shirou
Saber se arrepiente de ser un mal rey y trata de cambiar el pasado, pero se re-arrepiente de arrepentirse, porque se enamora de shirou
Y archer se arrepiente tanto, que se intenta suicidar a nivelmultivers

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Bienvenido a fate~
Bajo tu logica:
Kiritsugu es un monstruo.
Archer es el espiritu heroico de un genocida terrorista.
Saber, quemo un barco lleno de niños para evitar la profecía de merlin y dejo que aldeas sean arrasadas por los barbaros para ganar la guerra
Hay muchos ejemplos~

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Thank you for trusting me with another commission for your signings!

You can get yourself a copy of this young Kiritsugu print @ and watch it get signed on 9/4 on Marin's twitch!

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Kiritsugu Emiya! Scumbag person but at least he tries to be a good dad!

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Kiritsugu Emiya had a simple dream: to become a hero. His story is one of a story tragedy, hope, and unfulfilled dreams. To become the hero he always wished to become he sacrificed everything only to be left with nothing but at the end gained happiness he thought impossible.

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Y con esto termino mi jornada en Pixiv
Calidad lo que encuentro de Kiritsugu y Kirei

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Dunno why, I kinda cringe a little when Kiritsugu isn't there

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Today's first DILF of the day is Kiritsugu Emiya from the Fate series

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