❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Woke up to some beautiful, cute Aqours URs today. Maru and Yohane look predictably adorable, but Wooby wins my heart over every time. Oh yeah, and that Eli SSR is diamond quality, too. Great stuff, KLab! Happy Monday, folks!

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広報ブログ:『キャプテン翼 ~たたかえドリームチーム~』オリジナルサウンドトラックがApple Musicでアニメ・ゲームジャンルランキング1位を獲得!

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Is KLAB really merging us into the middle of an event?

Did we learn nothing from Festival Honkers Event 2015 lmao

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gfs releasing at the same time... i see you klab

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Them: Love Live isn't political.

KLab: Introduces Zhong Lanzhu, a character from Hong Kong who acts more Chinese than Hongkonger (a VERY political topic to Hongkongers).

What I do: 'Rename' her Chung Lan-chu (her name's HK romanization) and:


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KLab、対戦型サッカーシミュレーションゲーム『キャプテン翼 ~たたかえドリームチーム~』のゲーム内楽曲を各種デジタル音楽配信ストアにて本日5月20日(木)より配信開始! - ニュース | アプリのまじん https://t.co/Xl7WEILxvv

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『キャプテン翼 ~たたかえドリームチーム~』、ゲーム内楽曲のデジタル配信開始!https://t.co/qlTNzZBRe5

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people calling this “thicc🥵” reminds me of that one time klab made mari’s thighs a little bit bigger than usual on an R and everyone started losing their minds, baptizing her as a thick queen (and then they never did it again [pic2] LOL) https://t.co/NTbFxZU0Da

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Klab I love all these cards but please my prisms are hurting-

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Someone should inform Klab that there are more females in Bleach besides Yoruichi, Rangiku, and Harribel.

Don't get me wrong, I like them, but they already have fourteen-eleven units. Branch out, seriously. 🙄🤭 There’s potential here..#Bleach

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I’m already digging these Aqours 3rd-year URs. The beautiful school idols look equally great! Also quite a fan of that Honky SSR. Overall, I’m loving this wave of cards. Keep up the amazing work, KLab! Happy Friday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I’m so honored to have these URs in my life. Pana and Nozomi are absolutely majestic, but I personally think Nico and that idolized hairstyle won it for me. Overall, some beautiful stuff here, KLab! Happy Thursday, folks!

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FINISHED !!Better late than never asdfjda KLab give us more themes like this pirate one please 😳😔

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『BLEACH Brave Souls』全世界で6000万ダウンロード突破!記念キャンペーンを開催


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KLabとブロッコリー、リズムアクションゲーム『うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ Shining Live』にて「シャニライ春の大型キャンペーン2021」を開催中!5月中旬には寺島拓篤、蒼井翔太、前野智昭らが出演の生放送番組を配信決定! - ニュース | アプリのまじん https://t.co/IqpPMH072N

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昨日Klabさんより、「弾幕幻想」と呼ぶ東方二次ゲームは発表しましたが、そのキービジュアルの背景は弊サークルStatic Worldの7作目、例大祭毎回旧譜としてCD「末紀天穹」の、pixivでも掲載されたカバーイラストを盗用したものです。https://t.co/ePU8r6F2GM

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I literally just stumbled upon this Nijigasaki illustration. Everyone here looks so perfect and they’re one happy family. Hopefully, KLab will make some SIFAS cards off of these outfits in the future. Happy Sunday, folks!

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