
1 10

AS Hopeful Hotaru (EX) "HD" Equipment Card Artworks

35 139

Hinako Shijou - The King of Fighters AllStar

37 143

Omoshiroi yaro ka?
Ya terminé este dibujo de vice que tenía ahí en polvado jajaja, me gustó mucho su traje de baño, quitense yo si le doy

0 0

専務(BSver.) らくがき

0 4

Kula Diamond - The King of Fighters AllStar

30 111

Elisabeth Blanctorche & Ash Crimson - The King of Fighters AllStar

82 370

Card artwork from the event in Processed via ESRGAN (bc1-smooth and psnr models) to remove DDS artifacts and upscale them by 200%

38 140

Winter Holiday Leona & Winter Holiday Whip - The King of Fighters AllStar

32 121