ainr (lbh kek nrai sih sebenernya soalnya aidenkun boti jir)

ya gitu.......... /gimana
dynamicnya terlihat jelas dari foto foto ini

1 2

fem bingqiu modern AU /
lbh: laoshiiiiiii🥺
sqq: ................ [why are you the one crying?!!!!]

525 3188

Blaze ini tokoh utamanya 😂
Blaze is a female warrior, pengguna elemen api yg pengecut dan punya trauma dg api 😂😂

Lbh suka pakai bow dr pada pedang/belati, krn jarak jauh. Tp Andy malah ngasih hadiah belati wkt ultah(belati yg di gambar)😭😂

Punya cerita keluarga yg kompleks.

0 1

Yakin bgt sifat bullynya bakalan ilang? Ini bkn alur cerita Wattpad/AU yg ngebully org krn suka trus tobat trus dinikahin, NO. Ini kehidupan nyata! Kecil kemungkinan org bakal berubah jd lbh baik

36 2103

LBH: 🫦✨✨✨
SQQ: 👀🔥🔥🔥

8 18

Versi bindo krn keknya lbh kocak

si bapack kehilangan istrinya di carrefour

6 17

lbh kinclong ✨️
2021(april) vs 2022(oktober)

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Skrg lbh bertekstur sukak
Garisnya jg lebih tipis aku sukak ba yay

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LBH: Shizun... T____T

PS: said I had colored their skin green. It was weird to fix it because I myself can't see green. It always gets replaced by other colors in my eyes xD

85 444

kynya bakal lbh aktif ngeritwit krn gabisa buka hp lama2. kmrn aku abis kecelakaan, minta doanya yaa gais smg bisa cpt sembuh heheh

0 0

i was thinking have i ever seen sv mario au w lbh as bowser sqq as peach and lqg as mario and then realized i drew it,

911 4126

11/11 Pocky Day! Binghe believes that shizun deserves more than just one pocky stick 😙
(Also just so happens to be my first time using procreate wowie)

6 12

SQQ: Shizun ¿es necesario que leas todos estos libros hoy? No es bueno para tu visión

LBH: ¿Mi visión? ¿Crees que este maestro no sabe que esta es nuestra tercera noche?

LBH, sonriendo: Si shizun lo sabe ¿no está tratando de evitarla al llevarse tantos libros de la biblioteca?

47 400

SQQ: Binghe, tengo frío
LBH: Ten mi abrigo, shizun

SQH: Mobei, tengo frío
MBJ: Acostúmbrate

43 213

Bonus for the duality of Abyss because he has that LBH thing where he’s all puppy dog eyes with the one he likes, but very terrifying otherwise:

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rts of cool art, as well as my own art! 16+ for gore content (rts of smi lbh)

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