Had to grab more ! Let's hit 1 eth for the MAYC giveaway!!!

15 30

Just bought 2 because me and are sweeping the bubble gum floor trait 🔥

21 53

Grabbed 3 new off the floor. They're only raffling a MUTANT APE for every 3 purchased.. probably nothing 👀

8 17

If U ever wanted a get them on clearance before U can’t…

0 5

More upgrades for these
Had to grab the Hot Pepper Belt and another Flamethrower 🔥🔥🤘🏼
Who else has some flamethrowers??

4 13

Work up this morning and was gifted some point so I up dated this lil guy. We ready for war. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

6 25

Snatched the LAST FLAMETHROWER - Black Hoodie UPGRADE at Netherworld! Hottsville, prepare to get even HOTTER 🔥🔥🔥 🚀

14 27