Toadflax (Linaria Vulgaris) is also known as Trwyn y Llo or Calf’s Nose in Wales.
In England, three Toadflax seeds strung on a linen thread were said to ward off evil.

🖼️The Estate of Cicely Mary Barker

12 32

นี่ก็อีกคนที่เมื่อวานสมองไหลจนไม่สังเกตุว่าจัด composition แย่ เลยเอา update patch มาลง

5 29

Lin Linaria 1st anniversary
คุณลินกับชาวชาวั่ง 💛

11 34


5 35

Serious Disciplinarian (Untrained)

0 1

Serious Disciplinarian (Untrained)

1 3

Serious Disciplinarian (Trained)

0 0

วั่ง วั่ง~ คุณลินกับชานมหวานพิเศษ 🧋🧋🧋

14 57

Serious Disciplinarian (Trained)

0 0

Serious Disciplinarian (Trained)

1 1

Zenos annoys my level 90 culinarian WOL till she’s forced to beat him up for his actions (all according to his keikaku).

2 4

Serious Disciplinarian (Untrained)

2 4

I'm Linaria, though most people call me Lin! I'm younger sister to Calyx. Though I have other duties, I mainly take care of all the gardens, and help with smaller affairs regarding the Duchy when needed.

0 4

Serious Disciplinarian (Trained)

1 1

Serious Disciplinarian (Trained)

0 0

Serious Disciplinarian (Untrained)

0 0

¡Hoy, 19 de Julio, cumplen años los hermanos Takumi e Isami Aldini!

Takumi e Isami Aldini son unos jovenes italianos y estudiantes de cocina de primer año perteneciente a la 92° generación de la Academia Culinaria Tōtsuki.

0 1

Serious Disciplinarian (Untrained)

0 0

Serious Disciplinarian (Untrained)

0 1