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Es la forma natural evolucionada de Clobbopus
de Navidad. Tan solo guarda cierto parecido físico con los Grapploct clásicos, ya que la personalidad de este es
bromista y bonachona.
#Clobbopus PLAN/FANT
Pkmn Galleta
Antiguamente se hacían galletas navideñas con forma de Clobbopus en las zonas costeras. No se sabe de qué manera ni cuándo estas galletas tomaron vida y adquirieron el tamaño de un Clobopus real.
I had no idea Clobbopus even existed WHY HAS EVERYONE BEEN SLEEPING ON THIS TINY ANGEL
-table flip- I WILL PROTECT YOU
Once upon a time in the East Sea, there's a Pokémon known as the weeping princess. The 7th knight asked Pokémon living there to let them see the princess. Eelektrik, Clobbopus, and Inkay with its evil smile acknowledged this warrior's bravery and joined them.
🐙the octopus of the day is clobbopus, the tantrum pokemon! this fighting-type pokemon introduced in generation 8 likes to investigate things by punching them. much like real octopuses, it can lose limbs and re-grow them!
Finished YCH for @TheevingSnake ! Look at this blobbo, hehe~
This was a lot of fun to work on, thanks for commissioning us!
Octillery, more emotionally an octopus than actually one (it evolves from a fish), has a standard Japanese cartoon octopus face with its funnel depicted as a mouth. Clobbopus, based on a known octopus vice (punching things for no reason), has its siphon correctly positioned
Clobbopus se inspira en un pulpo y, como casi todos los Pkmn Lucha, en una técnica de lucha, en su caso el boxeo.
Thank you @emulapis for the cute blobbos 🥺💜💦 I love you and your art and your degen butt!!! I will treasure the blobbos forever!
#NuclearFallArt ☢💜
Hit the random page on Bulbapedia and got Clobbopus The Tantrum Pokémon, it’s someone’s favourite Pokemon right? 🥊🐙
#pokemon #fanart #clobbopus #タタッコ #ポケモン #procreate #ipadart
Today’s Cephalopod OTD is Clobbopus from Pokemon Sword and Shield
1er Teaser Oficial del nuevo Mod para FNF en el que aparece BLoBBo
Atentos para mas
Scorbunny, Fennekin, Jirachi, Sableye, Horsea, Snom, Wingull (x2), Poochyena, Sunkern, Larvesta, Ducklett, Spheal, Shinx, Barraskewda, Sudowoodo, Mew, Clobbopus, Manaphy, Glaceon, Litwick, Shelmet, Amaura, Rowlett, Galarian Farfetch'd, Whimsicott, Baskulin, Wishiwashi