We have even seen Sushi Swap Vampire attacking Uniswap and lots of marketplaces doing the same to Opensea. LooksRare, X2Y2, Blur, they have all practically done this.

People are not curating their wallets well enough.

Good wallets get rewarded the most over and over again.

2 23

x2y2-blur-looksrare swept 2 Mutant Ape Yacht Club for Ξ38.680 ($48,382.10)

0 10

NFTマーケットのLooksRare から、2023年にマーチャンダイズ商品が発売されるようです。まだ詳細は不明なのですが、いくつか公開されている画像を見るとパーカーやトレーナーなどになりそう

1 3

🏆 TOP of the last 24 hours 🚀

9143 was sold for 203.06 ($243,163) a few hours ago on 🤑

Txn Hash:

0 6

Azuki bought for 203.06 WETH (243,582.07 USD) on LooksRare


11 119

Ape has a new offer of 120.00 WETH (142,932.00 USD) on LooksRare


1 5