Morgoth y Sauron

Por el artista Guillem H. Pongiluppi

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"Pero Fingolfin brillaba debajo como una estrella; porque la cota de malla era de hilos de plata entretejidos, y en el escudo azul llevaba cristales incrustados; y desenvainó la espada, Ringil, que relució como el hielo". — El Silmarillion

Arte por Guillem H. Pongiluppi.

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Happy Birthday Luppi!! I just had to do something for one of my favorite sassy boys~

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The Silmarillion - Morgoth vs Fingolfin
By Guillem H. Pongiluppi

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Uhm Luppi....about that "next time we meet".....uhm......

Who's gonna tell him?

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V-Jump Leak

Come ormai ben evidente dopo gli ultimi sviluppi della storia, Shallot si prepara a ottenere il potere del Super Saiyan God! Vediamo le prime informazioni e immagini della forma divina.


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Good Morning
Did you take your confined musty magical porridge this morning ?
Wish you a happy Tuesday
Art by Guillem H Pongiluppi 'Circe'

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Guillem H. Pongiluppi

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Ricordate la del 2018?
In questo articolo, il nostro ha riassunto tutti i principali sviluppi dalla presentazione fino all'ultima gara ad Abu Dhabi!

Illustrazioni da collezionare! :)

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Hey this is Luppi, I was shy about posting stuff here but this is the moment to throw some stuff and pin it I guess 👀💦
I wanna try to share more art, so I'll start here , hi everyone ✨

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Les arts de la Terre du Milieu 🌋

Superbes œuvres d'art de Sauron et Morgoth

De Guillem H. Pongiluppi 🧙‍♂️

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Il lavoro edile ai tempi del
pubblica un vademecum per aiutare le imprese a districarsi tra impegni assunti e tutela della salute, aggiornandolo a seconda dei continui sviluppi.

Leggi di più su:

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Happy birthday to my first and best friend in VRChat
Out of the thousands of people I could have ran into I was lucky enough to run into you 💕💕💕
Support him in his stream tonight @
I love you my puppieluppie 🐳🔊

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헤헤 헤더 겸 루파여 .. 요즘 루파이어 넘 좋아 .. ❤💙

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Esoteric order of Dagon par Guillem H. Pongiluppi.

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El arte de la ilustración de Solomon Kane del anterior tweet y el de este es de Guillem H. Pongiluppi.

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