Luzi: voy a buscar cosas sanas :)

Las cosas sanas:

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Experimentando con el diseño de luzi

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Luzi multiberso

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Don't mind us, we just be walking.
Luzi - (tumblr).
Gecko -
Cyan - -co (deviantart).

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Dos cómics más (+ nuevo personaje y + luzi pechos)

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Cual les gusta, 8 bit luzi oh luzi normal?

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Luzi neko kawai desune 👉👈

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I almost forgot about my post-OM OC, Luzi. I should probably draw him more if I don't have new content for DiaMoin.

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Vola alta, parola, cresci in profondità, tocca nadir e zenith della tua significazione.

M. Luzi


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Pokemon Blue Kaiso macht mega Spaß! Vielen Dank an alle die zugesehen haben :3
außerdem ist endlich die 2. Seite vom Luzi-Interview fertig
ps: war so lustig wie der Typ mitten in meiner Bubble stand 😄👌

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I did 3 drawings in January; a silly meme outfit for Luzi, that toonme challenge, and a big ol' thing of my oc, Ambrose. I think I was focusing a lot on Melting Point and stuff at the time so I didn't get a lot of illustrations done.

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Lil Luzi boi bought to drop heat 🎤
Love Friday Night Funkin’ thought I try drawing it

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"Chi andò, chi recò doni
o riposa o se vigila non teme
questo vento di mutazione:
tende le mani ferme sulla fiamma,
sorride dal sicuro
d’una razza di longevi.
Non più tardi di ieri, ancora oggi.

Epifania di Mario Luzi

🎨Andrea Mantegna, l'adorazione dei Re Magi.

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hola lusher! soy Luzi 🐺 , seguro que no me conoces jsjs (broma), te quiero muchísimo , sabes lo mucho que me emociona esto ❤️, todavía no me entra en mi cabeza que tu eres padre, hace unos días, era una sueño, un mundo paralelo donde las cosas todavía no habían (sigue)

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la tempesta acre respira
fra gli alberi animati, un soffio rade
le vie, un inquieto profumo delira

./Mario Luzi


Mari Pruks


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Detesto i prati perché tutti hanno un prato con l'erba e, quando si tende a
fare le cose che fanno tutti gli altri,si diventa tutti gli altri.
C Bukowski✍

C Luzi
carissimo Erminio e tutti💙

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Placati, blu,
non crescere in cobalto,
tieni a nostra misura il tuo fulgore

Mario Luzi "Aria"

🎨Marc Chagall "L'ange à la palette" 1927-1936

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Round 4 Luzi VS Meph - character sheets :D
Soon final battle so be prepaired to vote xD

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