In Māori Mythology at the beginning Papa, Mother Earth & Rangi, Father Sky were locked together in a tight & continuing embrace. Their children force them apart so that the world can exist between them & let in the light. The lovers still grieve to this day.

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Mōrena Pōneke! Kohūnga Kōrero, our te reo Māori bilingual story time, is on this morning at Waitohi at 10.30am. Join us for pakiwaitara, rotarota, and waiata. All welcome, no matter your level of te reo Māori - these are fun, relaxed sessions. Info here:

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Mahuika is a fire goddess in Māori mythology. Māui tricked her into giving him her flaming fingernails one by one, stealing the secret of fire for humanity.

Read the whole story:

🖼️E. Mervyn Taylor

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Shane Jones calls protest leader Pania Newton a young putiputi.

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Have you seen the Teach Your Dog series?! Available in Welsh, Māori, Gaelic, Cornish, Japanese and Irish!

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Last but not least…Australia & New Zealand!
7⃣ Hooded Plover / Nyungar: dirl-dirl — S Australia+Tasmania
8⃣ Shore Plover / Māori te reo: tuturuatu — Chatham Isles
9⃣ Wrybill / Māori te reo: ngutuparore — NZ, N Island coast+central S Island

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To celebrate we have a special Preschool Story Time in te reo Māori, 10.30-11am at Kilbirnie Library. These sessions are fun for everyone, no matter what level of Māori you have. Come along!

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Rā rua o Te Wiki o te Reo Māori! It is also World Suicide Prevention Day. We recently released a resource for mental health professionals supporting rainbow people in Aotearoa. Did you know the resource is also available in Te Reo Māori?

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I’m a how can I promote te reo Māori? Easy! use Māori when naming new Here examples frm botanical collection Raukaua simplex, Phyllocladus toatoa, rakiura & wairauensis

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Kia ora koutou, my Stuff newspaper cartoon today, for This speaks of the importance of the awa (river) and whenua (land).

Thanks to my friend Ashley Te Whare for input on the whakatuaki

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Mō ngāi hiakai ki tō tātou reo me te kai pēka/pāki/pākā, anei rā tō mātou rauemi hou hei whāngai i ngā kupu, kīanga mō te kai pēka.

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New episode tomorrow! Catch up on Ep3 at Māori TV on-demand here or on Stuff here 🥑

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Seen episode 2 yet?? There's some real 🔥🔥🔥 moments in there. Tee up Māoritv on-demand or the Stuff links and get on the Sunday night ArohaBridge and chill 📺

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I riro whenua atu, me hoki whenua mai/As land was taken, so land must be returned.

Anyone who has spent time at Ihumātao knows just how special that whenua is, and how hard mana whenua have fought to protect it, this whawhai is not just for Ihumātao but for all of Māoridom.

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As Māori, we understand all too well the anguish that comes with the desecration of our whenua and we stand in solidarity with the people of Hawai'i.

Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua.

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"It's your uncle Monty, who is also your cousin". It's such a Māori thing to call everyone aunty or uncle haha! Aunty Winny is back with the lols in the new season of Aroha Bridge that's out soon :)
Voiced by Madeleine

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Finalists have been announced for the 2019 Pikihuia Awards! Formerly the known as the Huia Short Story Awards, the awards encourage diverse Māori viewpoints and writing in both te reo Māori and English. Ka rawe!

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Māori scholar Leonie Jones presenting on water quality tools including remote sensors that are designed by Māori scientists for Iwi, Hapu, locals and Kaitiaki Network

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Want to get to know fascinating local legends about the place we call home while also learning some basic te reo Māori?
Then come along to our FREE class tomorrow night at 5.15-6.15pm, 101 Wakefield Street. Limited spaces available so sign up now:

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Kia ora, I'm Chbichee, I'm from Aotearoa (New Zealand).
I wanted to do at least one picture for week and it also happens to be Waitangi day, so here is a Māori inspired portrait of Terezi.

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