Científicos han encontrado evidencias de que este Pokémon fue el causante de que Pokémon y no compartiesen un mismo plano al mandar a cada una de las especies a distintos espacios de la existencia.

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Part 8: Days 29-31 🐟🎉

Wheeljack- Two-spot Maori Wrasse
Optimus Prime- Cyclopterus lumpus
Megatron- Bluntnose sixgill shark

8 25

It's not easy to create a work of art that looks so simple, clean, and yet striking. And the lore... !pilk

19 56

No color palette generator can do this without the insane skills of and !PILK

12 34

Eight regional PLD clusters of prim & sec science teachers on local curriculum & Matauranga Maori around the motu this week & next, not all online; register:

4 4

The spiked helmet is pure badass, not to mention a 1% trait

15 43

yokai secured, where my Enforcer gang at

29 76

Yaotl the space cowboy, ratbag but lots of fun. Moko-inspired tattoos used with great respect to the Maori people and their traditions.

76 364

Visa? ✅ Tickets? ✅Beanie? ✅ Otaki here I come! Part 2 is happening gang - I'm flying out to next month to see the screening of on the big screen!

24 84

Check out these lil beauties that scooped up!
Thanks for the support MaorIvan ❤️🦥❤️ We love having you as part of our 🦥🦥🦥

7 13

Had to get me another 2 if y'all keep paper handing them

11 45

Her name is Hanna. She was born in New Zealand, Auckland.

but her biological mother passed away and a few day later, lavender decide to take care of Hanna was just infant.

1 15

Got this clean Pilk hat for a steal

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