casually slips more 🦝🐶 msw into sticker orders...

158 492

de-stress girl msw doodle...

40 142

Hey Roses! Big fan, really been loving your MSW series (fond memories of mom bingewatching it over dinners).
Anyway, I always have lingering nervousness over whether "trans" applies to a nonbinary person like me, but screw it! Hi, I'm Ace, I like aliens & superheroes & space 💖

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goodnight gonna read some msw (*´꒳`*)

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🧡💜 new disc icon needed = msw done fast (so as to return to the islands, of course)

192 558

“Leaders who have stood out to me are those that do not think they are better than anyone & are willing to do what it takes to achieve a desired outcome.” - MSW alum , Director of Advocacy at , from her interview w/

4 5

how are we still breathing after that episode, after giving a msw official merch and now a msw selfie HOW ARE WE STILL ALIVE

20 67

First mental health monday attempt. It is important to me because, being a MSW, I love working with the mind and helping others detangle the thoughts they are having. What is important to you about mental health?

2 8


武蔵野大学武蔵野キャンパス 第52回摩耶祭

■OPEN 13:30 START 14:00
■武蔵野大学武蔵野キャンパス 6号館雪頂講堂

■出演: コレサワ / 眉村ちあき

チケット等詳細は @musashino_kouki

49 243

it's been about time I did this.. furry msw is A Concept™ and nobody can change my mind 😔🤙

0 4

✨ Noah, 18, 🇦🇺
✨ first watched/read it in 2016
✨ Miyuki, Eijun, Koushuu, Kuramochi, Tetsu, Tesshin, everyone except the guy that knocked Miyuki down
✨ msw, miyuki x koushuu (any Miyuki ship tbh)
✨ draws daiya fanart sometimes but thinks about it way too often

2 20

saw making its rounds again!
⚾️ hi im cam/artist/makes goods
⚾️ kuramochi & eijun best boys⚾️ also cosplay them!
⚾️ main ships msw, krsw, krmy
⚾️ bullies miyucky a lot it’s my inner cheetah need to kick
⚾️ tire-kun is tru partner
⚾️ runs &

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4 10

The pre-orders for my MiyuSawa zine is now open just in time for msw day! 🌻💛
Check it out here:

Pre-orders close on March 14!

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