City Hunter live action movie starring Ryohei Suzuki as Ryu and Kiko Mizuhara as Kaori. The premise would be an action/comedy/revenge movie inspired by The Death of Hideyuki Makimura (played by yutaka takenouchi)

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just a little foxy makoto sketch for ur troubles

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Before going to find Makimura Makoto, Majima was ordered to hunt down Kiryu Kazuma and demanded answers about his affiliation with Tachibana Real Estate regarding their plans with the Empty Lot against the Tojo Clan.

This seems to be easy for him to do... right?

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kaori makimura feet pics

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Hoy toca 'City Hunter'. Tras City Hunter se esconden dos personas: Ryô Saeba, el sweeper, y el policía Hideyuki Makimura. Juntos, siembran el terror entre los criminales...

Publicado por , traducción de y revisión del team.

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Azarashi Soft+1 will release Makimura Hazuki no Koi Katari on September 24 according to Getchu

Scenario: Hozakura
Art: Any

They both worked on Natsu no Majo no Parade.

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Makoto Makimura // I got a iPad for my birthday, drew this to learn procreate! It’s a fun program but kinda tricky especially without keyboard shortcuts that I’m used too. From the yakuza series :)

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桜雨はると( )さんから、お誘い頂きました🙂💓💓✨

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