here's some close ups! Featuring:
- Tyrande reminding Malfurion of his low sodium diet
- Gallywix washing down seven plates of food with gravy
- Vol'jin and Varian watching over this cursed dinner
- Jaina and Velen fully checked out as Magni brings the political conversations

21 97

It is widely acknowledged fact that the reason why Fandral turn his back to Nightelves was because Malfurion didn't allow this dope haircut for druids.

nah jking

5 27

Malfurion Stormrage!
A quick piece before my comic commission :)

8 28

Illidan Stormrage & Malfurion Stormrage


0 1

Malfurion Stormrage & Fandral Staghelm

1 3

Got the flat colours sorted on stream today! Gonna have a lot of fun painting the shades next 😍

0 18

What is this?

Malfurion Stormrage & Xavius & Fandral Staghelm

5 21

I love how a large portion of Warcraft meme culture decided Malfurion is just the manliest bad ass to exist in the universe for some reason. I blame honestly.

32 181

Oi, bom dia! Quem estiver interessado, estou abrindo 10 vagas para encomendas no estilo "chibi". Pode ser do seu personagem no jogo, ou você vestido com a roupa do seu personagem, ou um fanart de alguém que você gosta (Sylvanna, Malfurion, Gamon, Yogg-Saron e etc). 😄😃

7 10

Malfurion & Tyrande sketch. Where she's ditched the frock and heels (ugh heels) and he loses the feathery armpits. She'd be so badass in armour.

6 55

~World Of Warcraft~

{Tyrande & Malfurion}

dA ID: 1704038
dA ID: 3597322


3 2

Why did Malfurion start a Grindr account?
To find a mana.

0 3

My old slash artwork of the ship Cenarius/Malfurion

1 2

The Death Knight hero cards, ranked.

1. ???
2. Bloodreaver Gul'Dan
3. Malfurion the Pestilent

3 8

More portraits!
Medivh | Zul'jin | Shando Illidan | Betrayer Malfurion

49 198

Malfurion!Faeb : )

140 921

It's a Malfurion! (4 Jan, 2016)

3 16