Study from last week focusing on values, edges and shape. Still a lot to learn!
Have a great start of the week everyone!🙌🏻

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I wanted to add this Adrift II Masterstudy too! I enjoyed working on it!
(The Original Piece is by James Jean).

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Some days I don't know what to draw. So till it figure out I draw my OCs as a master study. Thus behold another Leyendecker study.

Other creatives out there, What do u create on days when the creative juices r dried up?

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Another The original artist is Corot. A friend suggested I study his landscapes because he uses big changes in value

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just released a new animation for I adore those. Did a masterstudy of the final shot this morning. See below for the process video.

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Thinking about doing a full 100-Head-Challenge by studying/learning Jim Lee's approach of sharper angles and more confident lines, as those are two things I DESPERATELY need to get better at. Here's study

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Sometimes I paint stuff and don't even finish, but that's ok! Process = progress 👩‍🎨

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First time doing a master study, this was based off of Fredric Remington's Moonlight Wolf. Did this while hanging out in


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Found the amazing artist Hyoung Taek Nam by looking through the art for The Last Of Us 2. I'm absolutely stunned by his work. Did a masterstudy today of one of his black and white paintings. He strikes such a sweet spot between looseness, and dynamic detail. Truly inspiring.

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finished my second leyendecker study!

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J.C. Leyendecker study ✨ Took me 6 hours to finish

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a stufy of "a bold bluff" but instead of Bernard there is my giant schnauzer Bowie. sorry for poor rendering in this one xD it just happened.

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this was supposed to be just a masterstudy, but I had so much fun working on it and decided to finish it
My take on Kauffman's beautiful artwork

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Master Study of Joon Ahn's piece to study rockish textures.

This was made as a practice delivered by LeSerpo, he's a real mastah on teaching.

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