Matricaria chamomilla

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Aujourd'hui je vous dévoile mes talents d'animatrice avec cette magnifique manette personnalisée :

Merci d'être passée me voir 🧡

Informations sur les commissions ici :

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Fire Opal (art by Dizziness), Foxy (art by Matrices), Michiru (ringtailed cat), Helicity (MLP)

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Helen Frankenthaler's ‘Spring run’ monoprint series from 1996, was printed onto proofs from ‘Flirting with Stone’ 1990. She was a notorious proofer, always finely tuning matrices, ink methods and colour combinations creating many proofs

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Fragile,opulenta donna,
matrice del paradiso
sei un granello di colpa
anche agli occhi di Dio
malgrado le tue sante guerre
per l emancipazione.
Spaccarono la tua bellezza e
rimase uno scheletro d amore
che pero' grida ancora vendetta...
A.Merini -

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Collab’ w/ Charles Quirouard

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World Book Day! Tweet One: Arms of Sir Walter Scott, matriculated in 1822.

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Magnifique illustration de Mari Tominaga (animatrice sur l'anime) pour fêter l'anniversaire d'Homura !

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So early this morning around 1am, I tried to get another
but my Phantom mobile kept failing. I just now verified my wallet on Matrica & lo and behold, it said I had 2! Meet my bong smoking Bohemian next to his clean brother! Maraming Salamat ! 🇵🇭

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Sir James found his matriculation too fussy and re-matriculated in 1869 with a simpler coat.

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Oigan matrices, alguien q quiera compartir pfp? 😢

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Obligatory tweet!

Looking forward to governance laboratory that will become. Hopefully get to see constitutions, codes of conducts, matrices developed and voted on in a distributive environ. Gotta vote!

Oh, and the possibility of passive income.

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Voici le tout premier Easter Egg de à Le numéro d'immatriculation du Quinjet, A61-6902, fait référence au comic-book datant de février 1969, où est apparu pour la première fois le vaisseau. ;)

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Un oneshot 100% smut (il y a un semblant de scénario vers la fin mais hyper plat) qui pourra peut-être plaire aux personnes amatrices de relations dominant/dominé forcées + furry, mais qui fera fuir toutes les autres… L’apparence juvénile du héros m'a par ailleurs gêné…

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Sono il mare di me, mugghiante in me,
e senza oriente, senza più occidente,
la mia matrice muove verso sé
e bagno le mie rive lentamente.

Patrizia Valduga

🖌John William Waterhouse, Miranda, The Tempest, 1916

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Nell’abside del in una teca protettiva, è conservato lo stendardo della Madonna del Rosario: un apparato tessile realizzato dalla ricamatrice Ludovica Antonia Pellegrini, dono di Carlo Borromeo alla Confraternita del Santo Rosario

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I remember loving Matriculated. I loved Phantom 2040 so seeing what Chung could do with an actual budget was a treat.

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