EDA: fighting and psychic type trainer
pokémon: xatu, medicham, alakazam, lunatone, mienshao, marshadow

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Glace- Meowstic, Jynx, Mr Mime, Starmie, Reuniclus, Gallade (shiny)
Flambe- Delphox, Malamar, Gardevoir, Slowbro, Espeon, Bronzong
Tenwa- Alola Raichu (shiny), Hypno, Gallade (shiny), Bronzong, Exeggutor, Medicham
Datura- Oricorio, Xatu, Gardevoir, Bruxish, Metagross, Alakazam

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I drew a sexy medicham because I can and nobody can stop me. Last second I decided to make a little story out of this. After being caught this medicham is named Olivine. I wonder how many lovely Pokémon this lucky trainer can come across.

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four done!!
emdlare, OniMedicham, valseptium. sky, Voxollous - thank you!! 😊💞

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Scribbled my grumpy Medicham OC boy grr grr

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Ni Heracross, ni Miltank, ni Umbreon, ni Octillery
Este año me pongo a Medicham para hacer match con mis hermanas para encarnar a las buscatesoros del Equipo Carisma~

Feliz Día de Mundo Misterioso💖

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New anthro time, a cute Yoga-Nut Medicham called Lynn
Shes pretty neutral and stoic overall, rarely reacts much haha

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Queda poco, pero no distraigas. La quinta líder tiene un concepto drag diferente que hará volar tu mente, es . Con sus pokemon tipo Psíquico derrotará a tu equipo enseguida. Sus pokemon son:




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Mega Charizard and Medicham.

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図鑑 No.308

クリエイターズスタンプで  と検索おねがいします🙇‍♀️


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Oct 28, 2014. By: Dollieclaire
[12 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)
"The MVP of my competitive team, Mega Medicham! I overlooked him until I tried him out once and have been hooked since! That p"

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Bien, espero que no sea tarde para el vídeo de , pero de verdad quería acabar el dibujo xD
Mi equipo de Hoenn:
Medicham = Champi
Altaria = Algodón
Ludicolo = Pachango
Swampert = Aguajolote
Golduck = Berry
Armaldo = Armando

PD: De esta manera actualizo mi equipo uwu

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Pokemon a day 928
Mega Medicham

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Day 308 of drawing one pokemon per day. tippy toes! Follow me to see the upcoming pokemon drawings.

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