Megop Cat 2.0!
就请大家多多关照啦> <💦🌹
I'm trying to get into the Central Academy of Fine Arts graduate school within two years!
If I do it as soon as possible, I maybe want to make them into cute cartoons~(=^ω^=)
Thank you!!💞💞

21 176

“Don't touch me with your COLD paws! !”
(The cup: Shall I go?)hhhhXD

36 145

The nurse will be seeing you now 😳😳😳

34 179

commission for nice 💖🌿
it seems that someone has an adorable pet😋

16 81

承接上一次OP貓貓被最高指揮官——Ultra Magnus——帶回去後,在某次混亂中遭到Decepticons的劫持......


7 64

Read a very good fic that I am still very emotional about (;▪︎;) had to get this doodle out of my system

2 29

I want what they have

1 4

Worked on megop week's reward commission!
TF OC commission for @ skidblast
And thank you for choosing me! It was enjoyable! Thank you for applying for the commission! Have a nice day!

3 12

heey I'll create a new acc soon and there will be a lot of drawings:D I love megop but Im going to drow many characters and open commishs
and Im glad to communicate💙✨

0 17

For the "Beginning" MegOp-Week day.

177 582

day 2: throne
because of the move, I don't have time to draw🥺😭 is it possible to draw for a week after the deadline?

17 77

Day 7 Prompt: "The Beginning & The End" 😔😔😔

151 627

Day 6 Prompt: "Look at me & Journey" 💕💕💕

50 231

Day 5 Prompt: "Secret & Domestic" 😳😳😳

75 334